Click Here to Donate!

Historically, we have relied upon businesses to support our events, as we do not receive tax income and we are not government funded.  With increasing expenses, we have started our annual giving campaign to seek support from community members to keep our events great! If you are able to donate, you can click the button above or send a check directly to the Foundation.

  • Just $5.00 per month will help!
  • Set up recurring payments or make a

 one-time donation.

  • Chamber has been serving the community for over 50 years!
  • Don't delay! We will be setting our annual budget soon!
  • If we all give a little, it will make a big difference!

The Oak Harbor Chamber Foundation is a non-profit that raises funds to support community events, scholarships and projects in Oak Harbor.
The Oak Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce organizes activities and events to promote a sense of community and maintain the charm and vitality of our Village. Only by supporting great events like these will they continue every year to bring residents and visitors together to experience the Easter Egg Hunt, Independence Day Celebration and Fireworks, Oak Harbor Apple Festival, Downtown Trick or Treat & Old Fashioned Christmas Celebration.
All funds stay in our community and are used for the benefit of our residents and visitors.

Consider the Oak Harbor Chamber Foundation in your estate planning.

Contributions to the Oak Harbor Chamber Foundation are considered tax deductible charitable donations. There are many ways to give to your community through the foundation, including, but not limited to: cash gifts, bequests in your will, retirement funds, real estate & life insurance policies. Your attorney can assist you when planning your estate. The Oak Harbor Chamber Foundation, was founded in 2016, and is organized as a 501(c)(3) corporation exclusively for charitable, educational and cultural purposes. The Foundation provides a mechanism to establish, administer and finance programs to meet the business community’s crucial and changing needs in line with the goals of the Chamber of Commerce.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to learn more about how you can support your local Oak Harbor community. When you make a donation we will send a tax-deductible receipt for your contribution.

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